Wednesday, November 28, 2012

EOC Week 9: Business Mission Statement

Mission Statement #1

“Message strategy statements tend to be plain, straightforward outlines of benefits and positioning points that 
the advertiser wants to stress.”

This mission statement was simple, crystal clear, and gets it point across without question.  I’m a simple man who wants simple snacking and “Just grab and bite with no cracking or peeling, just simply eat,” makes me want them more than anything now.  “Just simply eat” sounds like it could be a short catchphrase for the product.  The clever word play saying that  it is a “snack with a twist” trails around the fact that the seaweed is wrapped around the deep fried crab legs.

Mission Statement #2

“Today’s marketers are also reexamining their ethical and societal responsibilities. Marketers are being called upon to take greater responsibility for the social and environmental impact of their actions.”

This mission statement touches all aspects every person wants to hear – safety, healthiness, and environmental awareness.  The description of the chip is also a craver – a thicker cut pepperoni pizza flavored chip? Yes please!  Who could resist something that is made of sugar, spice, and everything nice?  The statement also pushes towards the customers it already has – referring not to just their customers, but their loyal customers.  Loyal customers are happy customers, and happy customers generate referrals, and referrals are your best bet at more loyal customers!

Mission Statement #3

”The advertiser must use memorable and attention-getting words in the ad.”
What is more memorable than someone telling you “I guarantee you…Deez Nuts will be on your mind the whole time!” regardless of your sexual orientation, gender, nationality, etc.!  Another positive note in this mission statement is the fact that it points out a couple places you would enjoy Deez Nuts, instead of just telling you how amazing they are.  It’s not just how amazing they are either – it’s delivering to the customers the “ultimate snacking experience.”  I don’t know what that is exactly, but that’s something I want!

All of the quotes in red are taken from the book Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing.

Target Market Strategy

Our main focus will be towards the more affluent for the regular sized crackers, but will provide a much smaller sample package for lower-budget stores.

When it comes to the more affluent stores, we’ll push on the older generation of baby boomers, since they will be more likely familiar with Phileas Fogg and the “80 Days” story.  “…although they might now be feeling the pinch of the weakened economy, the baby boomers are still the wealthiest generation in U.S. history.” Chapter 3 P71.  We will also focus on attracting more of the “white-collar” group of professionals, using an escapist vision for those occupations to attract them to our products.  “Blue-collar workers tend to buy more rugged work clothes…Marketers try to identify the occupational groups that have an above-average interest in their products and services.” Chapter 5 P 146.

Although our commercials will generally lean towards the baby boomers, we will air more comedic television commercials towards the younger, white-collar workers as well.  By airing ads on shows they would watch,  these young professionals would take interest in being able to enjoy something “adult” their blue-collar counterparts could not. “People can also be thought of as products. “Person marketing consists of activities undertaken to create, maintain, or change attitudes or behavior toward particular people.” Chapter 7 P213.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Week 8 EOC: Creative Content

**Original idea changed, due to scheduling issues, length of the commercial being way over a minute, and not enough sexiness.**

I am looking at shooting a 30 - 60 second commercial featuring the Phileus Fogg Argentinian crackers.  It will consist of a few people sitting around and one person just finishes telling his story.  One guy goes to the cabinet, pulls out a package of Phileus Fogg’s Argentinian crackers and reads the card with the story of Phileus Fogg and eats a couple of the crackers.  He smiles and walks back to the other guys, places the package of crackers at the table and begins to tell the story of Phileus Fogg with the crackers.  Through his narration, the story begins to play out in parts throughout the party, with occasional cuts to the other party members who are giving awkward reactions to his unbelievable story.  He only makes it halfway through the story and there is a shot of everyone looking at him puzzled.  His phone rings and it is classical music, as though from the 1800’s.  He says something to the extent of “OK, fine, Mr. Holmes, I will come and help you with that case!”  He apologizes to the party and announces he must leave.  

Everyone just looks at each other confused.  One of the party members reaches into the bag and discovers the card.  He begins to read it and hands it off, exclaiming that story is the biggest load of crock he’s ever read in his life and is mad the other guy tried to pass it off as his own.  He then reaches into the package and eats one of the crackers.  He has a shocked look on his face and exclaims “I get it now!” and begins the story just like the other guy did.
A voice over comes up and says something like “Phileus Fogg’s crackers…a boat load of a party,” and it fades out after a zoom in on the package.

Implementation Evaluation Control

Every few months, there will be a review of sales in each business conducted, with quality control personnel sent out to retailers carrying the product in their stores to conduct surveys.  This will also give them time to speak with the smaller, more specialized retailers to educate them about the product to give customers more of a Phileas Fogg experience. Your local hardware store probably provides more personalized service, a more convenient location, and less shopping hassle than a huge…store…it may also charge higher prices.” Chapter 10  P 322.

Customers will also be invited to go to our website to have a chance to be put on our mailing lists (giving insights and more adventures of Phileas Fogg) and where they can also out surveys. These will help guide us in the right direction in a cost effective manner.  “Beyond their speed and cost advantages, Web-based surveys also tend to be more interactive and engaging, easier to complete…As a result, they usually garner higher response rates.”  Chapter 4 P115.


Many things are shared or taken total control of by intermediaries.  These include risk taking, financing, physical distribution, negotiation, information, contact, matching, and promotion, most of which will be pushed on to the internediaries. The question is…who will perform [the functions that need be]. To the extent that the manufacturer performs these functions, its costs go up and its prices must be higher.” Chapter 10 P313.

We will also take an active role in remaining consistently in contact with distributors, since they can have contact with customers. Companies often pay too little attention to their distribution channels, sometimes with damaging results. In contrast, many companies have used imaginative distribution systems to gain a competitive advantage.” Chapter 10 P311.  Those who receive the best ratings in regards to our standards will receive rewards for its employees in the form of the crackers and one trip for two to the choice of their favorite Phileas Fogg snack’s country of origin, to be awarded by the intermediaries’ president/manager. The company should recognize and reward intermediaries who are performing well and adding good value for consumers. Those who are performing poorly should be assisted or, as a last resort, replaced.” Chapter 10  P 338.


The sampling packaging coming in at $1.69.   “More and more, marketers have adopted good-value pricing strategies—offering just the right combination of quality and good service at a fair price.” Chapter 9 P227.  This will allow those who can’t afford the Phileas Fogg Experience to still sample it.  The full price of our full “boat” of crackers will reach up to $4.69.  “Often, the best strategy is not to charge the lowest price but rather to differentiate the marketing offer to make it worth a higher price.” Chapter 9 282.


Phileaus Fogg's Argentine Asado Crackers are doused in genuine asado herbs and spices, cooked inside the hides of animals just like asado is prepared in Argentina, and as a special import, palm oil (the substance that adds to the flavor and soaks up the alcohol) is nabbed from neighboring Brazil and injected into our crackers, making them a very special treat from South America.
Finished Cracker with Asado Spices and Herbs

Side 1: Origin of Phileas Fogg story

 Phileas Fogg's Argentine Asado Crackers

 Side: Face
 End: Nutritional Information
Top: Flag that opens box and stands.

The cooking of meat with the hide still on the meet finds its origin of in Argentina.  In this style, the crackers are prepared, with the hide of a majestic cow surrounding the crackers after the selected herbs and spices are sprinkled on.  The packaging has a heavily perforated top where the flag must be “raised” in order to enjoy the snacks.  “Poorly designed packages can cause headaches for consumers and lost sales for the company.  Think about all those hard-to-open packages, such as DVD cases sealed with impossibly sticky labels…” Chapter 7  P 217.  The rest of the package will be beautifully put together, not like the prototype used for the commercial.

A smaller, single roll package will be offered to the dollar stores with only a very short summary of the Phileas Fogg adventure.  It will feature a “For more adventure” reference to the regular sized packaging.


Loyalty to our customers will remain as strong as theirs remain to ours.  As we never will demise the value of our products, a “reward” system will be in place.  Customers can collect and send in 25 UPC’s and mail them in for an “Argentine Asado Award” plaque made out of wood from Argentine forests.  Customers can also send in 10 of each other 20 new brands of Phileas Fogg snacks for a “World Traveler” plaque.  These will only be available for the packages in the more expensive packages.  “Beyond offering consistently high value and satisfaction, marketers can use specific marketing tools to develop stronger bonds with consumers.” Chapter 1 P16.  We would also start branching out to opinion leaders or other celebrities to start pushing our product(s) and possibly appear in one of our television or print ads. “opinion leaders—people within a reference group who, because of special skills, knowledge, personality, or other characteristics, exert social influence on others.”  Chapter 5 P142.

Situation or SWOT Analysis

The strengths within Phileas Fogg’s Argentine Crackers account for creativity within the company filled with young, eager professionals ready to embrace the marketplace. 

Money for research, development, and organization are the weaknesses that will hinder quick results for us.  Since we are a small company looking to get back on its feet and running and are still new to the business, we may make a mistake in our distribution.  It is something we need to find more and reliable resources to and excute them to the best of our ability. “Companies must decide on the best way to store, handle, and move their products and services so that they are available to customers in the right assortments, at the right time, and in the right place.” Chapter 10 P 328.

The economy is bouncing back, and people have a little bit more money to spend on high quality snacks.  Hostess has just closed, leaving millions of dollars for consumers to discover new snacks.
The holiday season is currently in full swing, so selling the product at this time could prove to be difficult (perhaps holiday versions could be implemented?).  The market is also being saturated with new snacks, or other snacks that are being discovered since the fall of Hostess, so putting ourselves out there will be much more difficult. We would also need to avoid the crowds that may not want our product.  If we do need to go after them, it will be important that we will cater to their importance of our product, i.e. a woman may purchase our snacks for her male counterpart.  In as so, the poor can’t buy our expensive box, and the rich won’t want to have anything to do with the poor option.  “Each role carries a status reflecting the general esteem given to it by society.  People usually choose products appropriate to their roles and status.”  Chapter 5  P 146.


One thing we have learned is to not fall away from the spirit from the original creators of the Phileas Fogg brand.  We will keep a consistent plan in place and go for a more long term approach when it comes to keeping our customers happy.  “[Marketers] are under big pressure to estimate their impact. Another analyst puts in more bluntly: ‘Marketing needs to stop fostering ‘rock star’ behavior and focus on rock-steady results.’” Chapter 2 P58

Phileas Fogg will maintain the highest standards from our suppliers in Argentina and worldwide.  We understand without out our planet, we will not a have a product or business.  With every tree we use for plaques, packaging, or whatever other business expense, another tree will be planted in its place.  The livestock hide we use for preparing the crackers will be raised on organic operations to reduce the environmental impact on earth.  “A second environmental trend is increased pollution. Industry will almost always damage the quality of the natural environment. Chapter 3 P80.  Customers will appreciate these extra steps we take, giving them comfort knowing they will be making a safe environmental decision with us.  Everyone within the company will be educated at orientation about what we do and be expected to fulfill their individual responsibilities to help ensure business success. “… creating value for the customer and views itself as a bundle of processes that profitably define, create, communicate, and deliver value to its target customers…. Everyone must do marketing regardless of function or department.”  Chapter 2 P48

Business Mission Statement

We continue the tradition of Phileas Fogg by being creative, fun, and delivering untouchable quality in our product to give our customers an unmatched experience.  We cover the world to offer more than the world can offer, expose people to cultural deliciousness, and provide the adventure through our tongue-quivering, adult focused snacks for an unforgettable night of snacking, drinking, and wonderful evening out or a memorable trip from home.

"Mission statements should be meaningful and specific yet motivating. They should emphasize the company’s strengths in the marketplace." Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing   

Week 8 BOC: The Adventure

I, Phileus Fogg, arrived in the shady country of Argentina when my hot air balloon broke over the frigid rocks of the Andes Mountains and I landed in the outskirts of the range next to a river.  My luck fell me upon the most beautiful señorita…legs as long as Argentina, skin as soft as a pillow made of clouds, and a voice that made my heart voluntarily contract.  She came to my aid and fed me water, but she had three brothers…more like giants!  Now these brothers didn’t find any man good enough for their sister, especially a white man!  They attacked me with a claymore, a tree log, and a modified recliner with a large wood attached to it!  Luckily, I got a few cheap shots in before they could break my knees.  I ran…for hours!  The injuries had done their damage – two broken fingers, concussed, a bruised quadricep, and minor blindness from when they tried to burn my eyes.  I ran to the first hiding spot I saw – a cargo ship. I quickly piled a bunch of old bus tires around me to hide.  Exhausted, I fell asleep.

The aroma of the richest, sizzling beef struck my nostrils awake.  The seamen were barbequing the most delicious and rich smell I have ever had massage my nasal senses…but it should have been to no surprise, as the Argentinians are some of the world’s prominent and considerable beef consumers.  After the seamen passed out from eating and drinking, I had to have a sample of their barbeque.  I sneaked over to the barbeque holding my breath and shoeless so I would make no noise, grabbed a bag of genuine steak rub and canister of aji molido, a premier Argentinian spice before diving into the frozen water and swimming to safety to the sound of gun shots from the seamen.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Week 7 EOC: The Pitch

**Original idea changed, due to scheduling issues, length of the commercial being way over a minute, and not enough sexiness.**

*Crackers in the shape of tires flavored with a asado beef flavor from Argentinian locals.*

One dark evening in Buenas Aries, Argentina, I stepped out of my hostel to go meet up with some señoritas I met on the bus ride in when I was attacked by three large matóns.  They were at least 7 feet tall and equipped with a car bumper, a tree log, and a modified recliner with a large wood attached to it, forming it into a club of giants!  It was the fight of my life!  Luckily, I got a few cheap shots in before they could break my knees and I took off.  Alas, the injuries I received had done their damage – two broken fingers, concussed, a bruised quadricep, and minor blindness from when they tried to burn my eyes.  I ran to the first hiding spot I could make out – a cargo ship.  Seeing a bunch of tires, I quickly piled them around me to hide.  Exhausted, I fell asleep.

I woke up to a full moon and the smell of some deep, rich barbeque.  The seamen were barbequing the most delicious and rich aroma I have ever smelled…but it should have been to no surprise, as the Argentinians are some of the world’s prominent and considerable beef consumers.  After the seamen passed out from eating and drinking, I had to have a sample of their barbeque.  I snuck over to the barbeque holding my breath and shoeless so I would make no noise, and tasted some of the best slightly burnt, air staled best barbeque before escaping by diving into the Salado River.

I came across a village of primitives of whom I had no way of conversating, but they took care of me and I gave them a piece of the barbeque.  They cooked it for me, and I thought about how great it would have been to have it on my bus rides through Argentina, and this is where the Asado Tire Crackers were born.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Week 6 EOC: Me X 3

Item Me #1:  Canon Powershot S95
This powerful workhorse of a point-and-shoot has risen me to levels above and beyond any of the expectations, and after owning one I felt the need to own two!  I do plan on upgrading, but don't really feel the need to at the moment.  The only drawbacks it has is the fact it "only" shoots in 720p and the battery life can be a bit short when shooting video.  Otherwise, these cameras fit my lifestyle - fast, take great pictures, very mobile, and the screen is great.

Item Me #2:  WWE The Ladder Match DVD

I've always been a huge nerd of professional wrestling, but one match on May 27th, 2012 is one match I will never, ever forget for the rest of my life.  The late-great Eddie Guerrero attempted to defend his Intercontinental Championship against "The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam.  If I ever have anyone who needs introduction into the crazy world of pro wrestling, this is where I start!

Item Me #3:  The Irish Car Bomb

Ever since I discovered the magic alcohol has at bringing people together on equal grounds, I have explored the many different beverages the fermented world has to offer.  My favorite is the Irish Car Bomb.  I am about a quarter Irish, but you would never be able to tell just by looking at me.  My name and my liver sure make up for it!  Everyone knows that if I ever am out to explore the blacked-out realm, this is my drink of choice.  Anyone who will keep up with me is my best friend (no one has been able to stay with me up to my record 13 Irish Car Bombs in one night!)

1/2 Bottle of Guinness
1/2 Shot of Bailey's in a shot glass
1/2 Shot of Jameson poured in same shot
Drop shot into Guinness and chug fast before it curdles!